Mindfulness travel blogger Ashley
That’s a wow.

Wonder Therapy (n.) — Using the power of awe to get out of your head and into your world.

Waves of mountains, swirling traffic and smoke, a smile that says a million words.

You hear, see, smell, and feel each moment vividly.

You’re not thinking — you’re being. It’s exhilarating!

This is the definition of wonder, but also sounds a lot like why people love travel!

Massive, life-altering shifts happen in moments of speechless awe.

What if that perspective could carry over into everyday life?

Wonder as Therapy

Hi, I’m Ashley Carmen.Mindfulness travel blogger Ashley


Mindfulness stepped into my world while studying psychology.

The less busy I was slapping my own thoughts and feelings onto life, the more space I had to take it in.

I could pause more often between my learned reactions and my actions.

It was freeing.

But, it’s also a practice.

I still have moments of white knuckled anxiety and suffocating depression. But now I have tools that help.

They can help you too.

Back to the breath, back to the breath, gently.

Compassionate, mindful awareness opens up your whole world, wherever you are.

Whether you’re new to mindfulness or looking for travel inspiration, some Wonder Therapy is good for you.

I hope this blog inspires your own adventures, inside and out.

I hope these stories take you places.

Be amazed. Be kind. Be fearless.

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.

-Roald Dohl
